Monday, 10 August 2015

                                                       LAST SERMON    



Sermon: "Oh people, just as you regard this month, this day, this city as sacred, so regard the life and property of every Muslim as a sacred trust. Remember that you will indeed appear before Allah subhan wa ta'ala and answer for your actions." 
Quran: "If anyone killed a person unless it is for a murder or spreading mischief on earth it would be as it he killed the whole mankind, and if anyone who saved a life, it would be as if he saved the life of whole mankind" (5:32). "Then on that day not a soul will be wronged in the least and you shall but be prepaid in the needs of your past deeds" (36:54).


Sermon: "Return the things kept with you as trust (amanah) to their rightful owners." 
Quran: "If one of you entrusts (something) the one who has been entrusted with it should hand over his security and he should heed Allah and not hide any testimony. Anyone who hides it-has a sinfull heart" (2:283). 


Sermon: "All dues of interest shall stand cancelled and you will have only your capital back. Allah subhan wa ta'ala has forbidden interest, and I cancel the dues of interest payable to may uncle Abbas ibn Abdul Muttalib." 
Quran: "You who believe fear Allah and write off anything that remains outstanding from lending at interest if you are (true) Allah and His Messenger If you repent you may retail your principal do not wrong and you will not be wronged" (2:278). 


Sermon: "Oh people, your wives have a certain right over you and you have a certain right over them. Treat them well and be kind to them for they are your committed partners and commited helpers. 
Quran: "Provide for them the rich according to his income and the poor according to his means, a provision according to the custom. This is an obligation for those who act kindly" (2:236). "Treat them politely even if you dislike them,. Perhaps you dislike something in which Allah has placed much good" (4:19). 


Sermon: "Beware of Satan, he is desperate to divert you from the worship of Allah subhan wa ta'ala so beware of him in matters of your way of life." 
Quran: "Verily Satan is an enemy to you so treat him as an enemy. He only invites his followers that they may become companions of the blazing fire" (35:6)


Sermon: "Oh you people listen carefully. All the believers are brothers. You are not allowed to the things belonging to another Muslim unless he give it to you willingly." 
Quran: "Believers are but brothers so set things right between your brothers and fear Allah so that you may find mercy" (49: 1 0). 


Sermon: "Oh people, no one is higher than the other unless he is higher in obedience to Allah subhan wa ta'ala. No Arab is superior to a non-Arab except in piety." 
Quran:"The most honored among you in the sight of Allah is (he who is) the most righteous of you and Allah has full knowledge and is will acquainted (with all things)" (49:134). "And whose religion is; better than he who submits his face to Allah and he is a doer of good and follows the faith of Ibraham who was separate from every falsehood? And Allah took Ibraham for His fast friend. " (4:125). 

IN ORDER TO BE SUCCESSFUL WE MUST OBEY BOTH ALLAH subhan wa ta'ala AND HIS RASOOL sallalahu alaih wasallam

Sermon: "Oh people, reflect on my words. I leave behind me two things, the Quran and my example and if you follow these, you will not fail." 
Quran: "And remain obedient to Allah and Messenger, in the hope that you be shown mercy. " (3:132). 


Sermon: "Listen to me carefully. Worship Allah subhan wa ta'ala and offer prescribed prayer, observe fasting in the month of Ramadan and pay the poor-due." 
Quran: "And establish the prescribed prayer, practice regular charity and bow down with those who bow down" (2:43). "Oh you who believe, fasting is prescribed to you as it was prescribed to those before you that you may learn self-restraint" (2:183). 


Sermon: "Oh people, be mindful of those who work under you. Feed and clothe them as you feed and clothe yourselves." 
Quran: "Act kindly just as Allah treated you kindly" (28:77). "Allah has favored some of you over their provisions to those whom their right hand controls so that they become equal (partners) in it. Would they thus disclaim Allah's favor" (16:71). 

HAZRAT MUHAMMAD sallalahu alaih wasallam WAS THE LAST PROPHET 

Sermon: "Oh people, no prophet or messenger will come after me and no new faith will emerge." 
Quran: "Muhammad is not the father of any of you men but he is Allah's Messenger and the Seal of Prophets. Allah is aware of everything" (33:40). 


Sermon: "All those who listen to me shall pass on my words to others and those to others again (and people did). 
Quran: "Oh Messenger, communicate whatever has been sent down to you by your Lord. If you do not do so, you will not have conveyed his message" (5:67). 
Sermon: Have I conveyed the Message of Allah subhan wa ta'ala to you? asked the Prophet sallallahu alaih wasallam facing towards the heavens. The audience answered in one voice, "You have, Allah subhan wa ta'ala is the witness." 
Quran: As the Messenger finished the following revelation came to him, "Today I have perfected your religion for you, completed my favors upon you and have chosen for you Islam as the way of life for you" (5:3).

                                                                                   BY:ASEEF KHAN

                       THE FIRST MUSLIM COMMUNITY                     


a.Hazrat Zainab:

● Eldest daughter
● 2nd child after Qasim
● Mother to maternal cousin, Abul Aas
● She converted to Islam but he didn’t
● He fought against the Muslims in Battle of Badr and was taken as captive
● When he was ransomed, the Prophet requested Zainab to come to medina (before this she was living in Makkah)
● She bought along her daughter Umama
● Umama was later married to Hazrat Ali
● 3 years later Hazrat Zainab’s husband converted to Islam too and came to medina
●  She died in 8 AH

b.Hazrat Umme-Kulsoom:

● 2nd daughter
● Married to son of Prophet’s uncle
● Marriage  was broken after revelation of Surah Lahab
● Migrated to Medina with Hazrat Sawdah
● Remained at home until Hazrat Usman married her in 3 Ah
● Died in 9 AH while her father and husband were at the Tabuk Expedition

c.Hazrat Ruqqaya:

● 3rd daughter
● Married to Abu Lahab’s son
●Marriage ended after the Prophet started preaching Islam
● Married then to Hazrat Usman
●Migrated with him to Abyssinia and returned when ban was lifted
●She was amongst the muslims who were instructed to migrate to Medina before the Prophet himself left
● Died in  2 AH while Prophet was at Battle of Badr

d.Hazrat Fatima:

● 4th daughter
● Born in Makkah in 605 AD
● Travelled to Medina with Hazrat Sawdah when Prophet called them
● Married to Hazrat Ali in 2 AH
● Lived in a small house near the Mosque of the Prophet
●Like other emigrants, the couple experienced much poverty
● In 3 AH, she gave birth to her first son, whom Prophet named Hassan, the beautiful    one.
● In 4 AH, she gave birth to her 2nd son, whom Prophet named Hussain, the little beautiful one
● She had two daughters, Umme-Kulsoom and Zainab
● Prophet had special affection for her
● She was often near him in his stressful moments
● Washed his head when Makkans threw dirt on him
●Washed his clothes when Abu Lahab threw entrails of camel on the Prophet while praying
● Tended to his wounds after Uhad
● Prophet said:  “you are the highest of the women of the people of paradise, except for Maryam, daughter of Imran”
● Prophet gave his chair to her sit on when she visited him in his last days
● In his last days, the Prophet told him that she would be first of his family to follow him
● Likewise, she died in 11 AH, 6 months after Prophet’s death


a.Hazrat Hasan:

● Born in 3 AH in Medina
● Prophet named him the beautiful one
● He used to climb on the Prophet’s back when the Prophet was prostrating in prayer
● Prophet interrupted his sermon once to come down and puck Hazrat Hasan when he fell down
●  Hazrat Hasan used to take water to Hazrat Usman when he was besieged in 35 AH
●Sent to Kufa, during Hazrat Ali’s caliphate to seek reinforcements in battle of Camel
● Fought in battle of Siffin along with father
● Supporters claimed caliph after father’s death in 40 AH
●Muawiya, governor of Syria, rejected his claim and moved forces against him
● Hasan reacted slowly as he did not want fights between the Muslims
● Desertions to Muawiya’s side made him weaker
● Finally he renounced caliphate after less than a year
● Settled in Medina and died in 50 AH
● Poisoned by wife, Jada, who was enticed by Muawiya on promises of money
● He is buried in Medina
● Regarded by Shias as 2nd Imam

b.Hazrat Hussain:

● Born in 4 AH in Medina
● Great joy for grandfather
● Prophet took him on his knees and carried him on his back
● Loyal supporter of father
●Reluctant to accept Hazrat Hassan’s renunciation of caliphate
● Though he knew that Muawiya was too strong to resist
● Refused to accept Muawiya’s son, Yazid, as caliph
●People of Kufa invited him to lead an uprising against Ummayads
● Sent cousin, Muslim, to see the situation
●Muslim saw Kufan support and sent a letter to Hazrat Husain, telling him to come
●After dispatching the letter, Muslims was captured by governor of Basra and killed
● Strict measures were taken against Husain’s supporters in Kufa
●Meanwhile, Hazrat Husain left Medina for Makkah in Rajab 59 AH
● Sensing trouble during hajj, he set out from Makkah with members of his family and close supporters on 8th Dhul Hajj 59 AH
●  Muslims advised him against this and people he met on his way cautioned him
●  But he was not to be turned aside
●  His will strengthened when he heard that his supporters had been killed in Makkah and troops had been sent against him
●  On 2nd Muharram, 60 AH he camped at Karbala, a desert near Kufa
●  The next day, the Ummayad army surrounded the camp and prevented anyone from taking water from river Euphrates
● Negotiations took place for some days, but failed
● Battle began with 72 people of Husain and 4000 Ummayad troops on 10 Muharam 60 AH
● Initially there were small skirmishes and the army did not attack with force
● Gradually, Hussain’s supporters were killed one by one
● His camp was set on fire
● When a handful of supporters were left they went to the river to get water but were surrounded
●  Hazrat Husain resisted but was struck down due to being outnumbered
●  His head was cut off and taken to Ubaydullah Ibn Ziyad, governor of Kufa and then to caliph Yazid at Damascus
● His body was Cat Karbala, modern day southern Iraq


In this section, all you need to know is the name of the 12 Imams along with brief biographical accounts of the first 3 and the last. Hazrat Ali has been discussed in detail in the next lecture. Hazrat Hasan and Husain we just did quite comprehensively and Hazrat Mehdi’s is mentioned below.

a. Hazrat Ali
b. Hazrat Hasan
c. Hazrat Hussain
d. Hazrat Zain-ul-Abideen
e. Hazrat Muhammad Baqir
f.  Hazrat Jafar Saqiq
g. Hazrat Musa Kazim
h. Hazrat Ali Raza
i.  Hazrat Muhammad Taqi
j.  Hazrat Ali Al Hadi
k. Hazrat Hasan Askari
l.  Hazrat Muhammad Mehdi

Hazrat Imam Mehdi:

● he did not die but went into hiding
● continued communication through 4 agents during the period known as lesser occultation
● from 329 AH greater occultation began, and continues till date
● this period will continue until the end of times
● the Imam will reappear publicly before the final judgment
● he is believed to have continued oversight of the affairs of the world
● when he returns he will be guided to defeat the forces of evil and establish justice on earth


Hazrat Abu Bakr:

● Friend of the Prophet since childhood

● One of the 1st converts to Islam
● Suffered persecution at hands of Quraish – hair pulled out while defending the Prophet
● Freed many slaves such as Hazrat Bilal
● Believed without any reluctance the incident of Mairaj
● Married his daughter to Prophet
● Accompanied the Prophet on migration to Yasrib
● Prophet consoled him while the two were in the cave of Saur and he was scared
● Paid for the plot of Masjid-e-Nabawi
● Shared camel at Battle of Badr
● He formed defensive ring around Prophet at Battle of Uhad
● Gave a hefty financial contribution at the Tabuk expedition
● Participated in expeditions to Hunain, Khyber, Taif, Syria
● Appointed Ameer-e-Hajj in 9AH
● Led prayers during Prophet’s illness
● While Prophet was dying, all doors of the mosque were closed except the 1 leading to           his apartment
● Steadied the mourning community after Prophet’s death and was appointed 1st caliph

Hazrat Umar:

● Reputation of the fiercest men of Makkah

● Prophet prayed for his conversion to Islam
● His conversion boosted the morale of Muslims
● He protected the Prophet from attacks
● Migrated to Medina and took farming as a profession
● He married his daughter to the Prophet
● Formed a defensive around the Prophet at Uhad
● Helped in the digging of trench at the Battle of Trench
● Offered financial support at the Tabuk Expedition
● Objected to the terms of the treaty of Hudaybia
●  Persuaded muslims to accept Prophet’s decision to retreat when they could not capture Taif
● Took part in expeditions towards north organized in the last years of the Prophet
● Known as Farooq-e-Azam

Hazrat Usman:

● Amongst the early converts

● Accepted Islam at the hands of Hazrat Abu Bakr
● Suffered persecution
● Married to Prophet’s daughter, Ruqqaya
● Migrated to Abyssinia
● Migrated to Medina
● Did not take part in Badr because wife was sick
● After death of first wife, married another daughter of the Prophet
● Called Zun nurain – possessor of two lights
● Messengers of Muslims at treaty of Hudaybia
● Rode near the Prophet at Conquest of Makkah
● Escorted Prophet’s wives at the farewell pilgrimage
● Financially helped the Muslims at Tabuk expedition
● Paid for the extension of Mosque of the Prophet
● Known as Ghani – generous

Hazrat Ali:

● Son of Abu Talib, Prophet’s uncle

● Prophet bought him to his place to relieve burden on his uncle
● Early convert – accepted Islam at 10 years
● Slept in Prophet’s bed at the time of migration and returned valuables which people had left with the Prophet
● Married to Prophet’s daughter – Fatima
● Shared camel with Prophet at Badr
● Sent as scout to discover enemy’s movement at Badr
● Single combatant at Badr
● Carried Muslim banner at Badr
● Carried Muslim Banner at Uhad after original bearer was killed
● Formed defensive ring at Uhad
● Single combatant at Trench
● Amongst the leaders at siege of Banu Qurayza
● Used door as a shield at Khyber Expedition
● Defended Prophet at Hunain Expedition
● Carried Muslim banner at Conquest of Makkah
● Scribe of the treaty of Hudaybia
● Read new teachings in Hajj in 9 AH
● Washed dead body of Prophet
● Was not present at the selection of 1st caliph but did not press hard his claim to caliphate\

                                   all things are taken from different blogs and islamiat a core text                                                                                                     book.

Sunday, 9 August 2015


                                        ifthikar ul haq                                  

                              everything is taken from dr ifthikar ul haq notes

Prepration For Islamiat Exam

Preparation for Islamiat Exam

  1. Remember to begin with the name of Allah, and do not forget to make dua.
  2. First of all read the syllabus 2016 and understand what you are supposed to prepare for the exam.
  3. Make a study plan
  4. Set deadline by which you must finish the course.
  5. Set aside ---- hours /week for studies and break.
  6. Example:   Week 1:
  • Sat, Sun:        Chapter one, Quick reading.
  • Mon, Tue:      Read past papers and look for patterns that are repeated in the exams.
  • Wed, Thu:      Revise Chapter one systematically be certain that you cover the syllabus adequately.
    • Focus on the topics that are tested more frequently than others.
    • Prepare them exceptionally well but not at the expense of anything else.
  • Friday:  Note down the key points on flash cards for quick reference later.

  1. Complete preparation of all the Chapters by 1th may
  2. Solve Past papers (2009 including specimen paper - M/J-15)20 sets in all from 1th may
  3. Example Week 1: Solve 4 sets of past papers from the same year

  • Sat:      Paper one (2009 May/June)               Set time limit 1hr 30 min.
  • Sun:     Paper two (2009 May/June)               Set time limit 1hr 30 min.  
  • Mon:    Paper one (2009 Oct/Nov)                 Set time limit 1hr 30 min.
  • Tue:     Paper two (2009 Oct/Nov)                Set time limit 1hr 30 min
  • Wed, Thu:    Evaluate yourself
  • Correct your mistakes or add the points you missed (use different colored pen) by referring to the marking scheme.
  • If you did not completely solve the paper in time, then learn how to manage your time.
  • Friday:    Relax and enjoy.
  1. Solve the remaining 11 past papers likewise. (4 papers/week) (each one of you will have their own complete set of solved papers from M/J 2009-M/J 2013)
  2. In the2th  week of Aprilwill have post mocks. In sha’ Allah
  3. Final preparation of exam will be done by reviewing the solved papers and focusing on important topics.
  4. The night before the exam revise the subject using flash cards for quick review.
  5. Read Qur’an daily and do not miss your salah.
  6. Concentrate and focus on your work by avoiding distractions (phone calls etc.)
  7. Eat healthy foods, sleep adequately and exercise regularly.

For securing higher marks and doing a good paper, the following essentials must be considered:
Major reason for poor performance of the candidates is the tendency to write in general terms rather than writing precise accounts of the items referred to in the questions. This fault arises from hurrying over the answers and not pausing to think about what a relevant and precise answer should contain.
Generally many candidates do not manage their time properly: they often give long and over elaborate answers to questions 1, 2 and 3 (writing generally and not always on the point that was being asked), and then had no time for answers in remaining questions and sections. Candidates should attempt to avoid all these shortcomings.
It may be worth mentioning to advise candidates that the examiners look for:
  1. Precision (i.e. precision in answers to factual and descriptive questions)
  2. Thoughtfulness (i.e. thoughtfulness in answers to evaluative questions.)
The best advice candidates can have is:
  • They should first of all read through the paper
  • They should think about exactly what each question is asking and then as they give their answers to refer back repeatedly to the question to check that they are keeping to the points asked for and have not strayed into points that the question has ruled out.
In writing comments on chosen passages, most candidates give the main teachings of their chosen passage only while many resort to simple summary of the verses set rather than picking out major themes.
There is a significant difference between these, because while summarizing merely involves some comprehension of the contents of the passage, giving the main teachings shows awareness of how these passages contribute to the whole body of Islamic beliefs. Thus, candidates should provide major themes of the passages along with their main teachings.
For writing comments on Hadith, it is not necessary to write long comments on each Hadith; most candidates should be able to discuss it fully in half to three quarters of a side.

A good strategy would be to spend a few minutes making a plan for each question before answering, in the case of the essay questions to write brief notes on the answer booklet as a help in deciding what to include in the answer and in which part of the answer to put it. If the notes are then crossed out the examiners will ignore them.
In essay length answers, it should be remembered that the marking scheme often gives marks for quotations from the Qur'an or Hadith, or examples from the life of the Prophet (peace be upon him). But when candidates use these they should take care to link them with the point they are making. It is no good simply giving lists of verses or Hadiths without comment; a much better approach is to give one or two and explain how these support or clarify the point that is being made.
Marks are given both for accounts of the general events and for details such as names and dates. A mark is given for a clear reference to the importance of an event, and a further mark for a full discussion of its importance.
Some candidates seem to be under the impression that they could earn marks without thinking carefully about what the question asks. So understanding the command words is utmost important.
The rubric states: "Give a brief explanation of the importance of each of the following in Muslim beliefs and practices". The key words "importance/ significance", "beliefs" and "practices" should make candidates realize that it is not enough to identify these four items, because high marks will only be given for full explanations of how they feature in what Muslims believe and do.
Another question that may seem easy but in fact requires some thought to answer well. Again, the rubric wording, "What does a Muslim understand by the following", gives the lead, by prompting candidates to think about the importance of the mentioned items rather than simply to identify them. Most candidates say something about each, but many miss points that a little thought would supply.
This question offered candidates an opportunity of gaining high marks, but only if they thought about it and took care to write precise answers.
There are certain considerations candidate must pay heed to while doing Islamiyat Paper:
  1. The first consideration is to write on the point of the question rather than to put down all they know about a particular topic.

Questions are intended to make candidates think, and they do this in two ways:

  1. Candidates should be prepared to give clear and concise descriptive accounts
  2. Candidates should present relevant evaluations of the significance of what they have written.
  1. The second consideration, which is connected to this, is that candidates should read each question carefully and think a little about what precisely it is asking in each of its parts.
  1. The third consideration is to manage the time allowed properly. Some candidates in this Paper appear to devote too much time to early questions, and let themselves down by not having time for the last few questions.
Candidates should be able to give full essay answers as long as they manage their time carefully. Candidates are advised to learn how to use the time allocated to each paper carefully, so that they are able to answer all questions properly.
There is also a tendency to repeat details given in answer to one part of a question in another, or to supply these details in the wrong part of the answer.
It is understandable that candidates would want to get on with writing their answers as quickly as possible in the examination, especially if they see a question that appears at first reading to cover a topic they know well. However:
  1. All candidates would be well advised again to spend some time firstly in reading the whole paper carefully in order to gain a general idea of what the questions are covering.
  2. In reading the paper, candidates should try to understand the command words. i.e what is being asked.
  3. Once they have understood the command word and have chosen the question they want to answer, they should spend a few minutes noting down what they should include in each answer, and avoid giving unnecessary details.
Candidates can include rough notes of this kind in their examination booklet, may be on the first or last page, cross out when they finish with them so that the examiners know not to read them.
iv) Noting down the points will help candidates to make a good logical sequencing of the answer according to the question.

Candidates should know that questions in this examination look for both the ability to present information concisely and accurately, and also for the ability to evaluate the importance of this information. If candidates are to gain high marks, they cannot avoid thinking about and reflecting upon the importance of the topics included for study, and being able to explain their significance in Islam. This is in addition to knowing about the topics factually. Candidates will be very unlikely indeed to gain an A grade without being able to demonstrate this awareness and so it is expected that candidates will give time to develop the skills required to approach the topics they cover in this reflective way.
It may be worth mentioning that when teachings from the Qur'an are made use of in an answer, it is not necessary for the candidate to quote a verse word-perfect or to give its reference. In examination conditions, this is too much to ask. It is enough to be able to outline what the verse teaches, though the closer the reference the better.

During the examination, candidates are recommended to read each question carefully and to spend some time thinking about what is required by the question. Information and comments, which are not relevant to the question or part question being answered, will not be given marks.

Best of luck !
and dont forget to pray for me
content is taken from different blogspots and compiled by me